NotifyVisitors Survey Google Analytics Report

  • Created : Nov, 03, 2020
  • Last Updated : Apr, 25, 2024

Google Analytics Survey Report :

Google Analytics Survey Report provides you an exclusive view of all the insights of your web and mobile surveys. You can have a quick review of all the key metrics of the surveys running on your site such as the total number of views and dismissals on survey campaigns. Also, you can look at the user stats on survey campaigns that are running on a specific page of your site. 

Read this article to know how NotifyVisitors survey GA report works and what all key metrics you can view to know how effective your surveys are.


Expanding your subscriber base is quite important for your business growth and developing your brand value. NotifyVisitors surveys are a great way to fetch subscribers to your site and turn them up into loyal customers. Also, you can know the customers’ feedback through the surveys to know what value customers are procuring from you.

NotifyVisitors enables you to employ readymade designer subscription forms to increase your subscribers and take onsite feedback surveys on the basis of customers’ behavior. 

NV collects all the survey data such as the impressions, completion, and other key metrics. Simultaneously, NV fires the events or actions performed by users or visitors in Google Analytics and consequently, Google Analytics provides you an extensive view of all the key performance indicators in a standardized report which is bifurcated into different segments.

Google Analytics provides the following key performance indicators in the NotifyVisitors survey report :

1.Survey stats:  View here the real-time analytics of your survey campaigns such as the Impressions, completion, closed, and completion rates. You will be able to see the aggregate number of impressions, completion, and closed surveys.

Define the variables of the survey campaigns :

  • Impressions: Impressions are the total number of views on your survey campaigns.
  • Completion: This KPI signifies the total number of submissions of surveys by the users who viewed and completed them.
  • Closed: Closed signifies the number of users who viewed the surveys but dismissed them.
  • Completion rate: Determine the completion rate by dividing the number of completions by the number of survey impressions or views.
  • Closed rate: Closed rate is the ratio of the total number of dismissals to the total number of impressions on surveys.


2. User stats who saw the survey: In this section, you will get to know about the total number of users who came to your site and saw & interacted with the surveys.

  • Users:  Users are the total number of visitors who came to your site, viewed & clicked on the surveys.
  • Bounce rate: The bounce rate is the percentage of a single-page session in which there was no interaction with the page.


Notes :

  • You can view the stats as per the source/medium, devices, user type, and the survey name.
  • GA enables you to have a graphical view of the user stats. ( completion rates, closed rates, and session bounce rates for the surveys )


3. Stats per survey name: You can view the total number of impressions, completions, users, and completion rate for a specific survey. You get an integrated view of the survey campaigns on a specific page along with each survey name.

NotifyVisitors Survey Google analytics reports give you a real-time view of all the key performance indicators so that you can review your marketing strategies further and enhance your brand value.

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